Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt Elementary / Middle Code of Citizenship


Statement of Purpose

Caring, safety and order provide the foundation for a thriving learning environment. At Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt Elementary / Middle School we are committed to creating a safe, welcoming, and dynamic learning environment. This Code of Citizenship is designed to build and sustain a school community that values and fosters respect, inclusion, fairness, and equity. Therefore all members of the school community shall not discriminate against others on the basis of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, family or marital status, physical or mental disability, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, nor shall a student publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule on the basis of any such grounds. All reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of a breach in the Code of Conduct.


# 1. Caring

A caring school is one in which members of the school community feel a sense of belonging and have opportunities to relate to one another in kind, positive and supportive ways. All aspects of school life embrace and reflect diversity. The school is an inviting place for students, staff, parents, and visitors.


Respect for Self and Others

I have the right to learn in a safe, caring environment and be treated with kindness and respect. 

I have the responsibility to treat all individuals with kindness and respect, regardless of their differences.




Every person should feel valued, be treated respectfully, and be free of harassment. Therefore, I will not engage in behaviours such as rudeness, intimidation, bullying, fighting, or inappropriate physical displays of affection.


Positive, Supportive Learning Environment

I have the right to a positive and supportive learning environment.

I have the responsibility to demonstrate a commitment to my learning and to a positive and supportive learning environment.




A positive, supportive learning environment is necessary for success. Therefore, I will actively engage in the learning process, come to class on time prepared to learn, and complete all class and homework assignments.


Appropriate Language

I have the right to be spoken to in a respectful manner.

I have the responsibility to speak politely and use language and tone of voice that is respectful to all members of the school community.




Being able to use appropriate and respectful language is a valuable life skill. When language is offensive to others, hurt feelings may lead to further conflict. Therefore, I will not engage in name calling, yelling, swearing, or crude, rude or obscene language, whether it is spoken, written, implied or gestured.


Respect for School, Public, and Private Property

I have the right to a clean and well-maintained school-learning environment.

I have the responsibility to clean up after myself and respect school property, as well as the property of staff, students and the people who live in our neighbourhood.




Taking care of the school and its surroundings demonstrates pride in the school. A clean school offers a healthy and pleasant place to learn and work. Therefore, I will use garbage cans and recycling bins appropriately. All students and staff should feel that their personal belongings are safe at school. I will respect school property and other people’s belongings, and I will be accountable for any intentional damage.



Lockers are the property of the school district and under certain circumstances may be inspected by school authorities if reasonable cause exists. Students may only use their assigned locker and will keep the combination private. Lost locks have a replacement fee of $8.00. Students could lose the privilege of having a locker if they tamper other people’s lockers or violate school policy. All backpacks should remain in student lockers and do not belong in class.



Students should not bring large amounts of money or valuable items to school. If they do, they are responsible for the safekeeping. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. It is important to keep your possessions locked up, including in the PE change rooms.



# 2. Safe

A safe school feels welcoming and open and is one in which members of the school community are free of fear of harm, including potential threats from inside or outside the school. The attitudes and actions of students, staff and parents support an environment that is resistant to disruption and intrusion and ensures a focus on student success.


Bullying, Cyber-bullying and Misuse of Electronics

I have the right to be in a learning environment that is free from bullying, harassment, or intimidation that takes place in person, online or through the use of electronic devices. 

I have the responsibility to treat others with respect and use online resources and electronic devices (social networking sites, blogs, e-mail and messaging services, cameras, etc.) in an appropriate manner.




Violence has no place at school. Intimidation or bullying in any way will not be tolerated. Therefore, I will not be involved in any form of bullying or intimidation and will report it when I see it. I will not be involved in posting photos and/or derogatory messages or comments about others in any electronic forum. I will not be involved in sending inappropriate or hurtful messages to other individuals online. I will refrain from taking pictures or video of any individual at school unless I have permission to do so.


Closed Campus

I have the right to be safe at school during my school day. 

I have the responsibility to get to school and class on time and stay on campus when I am here.




The safety and security of students is of the utmost importance. School administration is legally responsible for student safety and whereabouts during the school day. Therefore, I must bring written permission from my parent or guardian (or have a parent speak directly to office staff) in order to leave the school grounds.



Parents are always welcome to visit the school. All visitors need to report to the office. The only students allowed in the building at any time are Stitó:s students.


Bikes, Skateboards, Scooters, etc.

I have the right to be in a safe environment that does not pose threats to my physical well-being. 

I have the responsibility to walk my bike, carry my scooter, and/or skateboard on school property.




The use of the above equipment or other wheeled vehicles on school property can be dangerous to the students themselves as well as others. Therefore, I will walk my bike or carry my scooter, and/or skateboard on school property during the school day.


School and Public Buses

I have the right to safe and respected while riding any bus to and from school, or when on a field trip or an extra-curricular activity.

I have the responsibility to follow the school bus guidelines established by School District No. 33 (Chilliwack). I also have a responsibility to represent my school in a positive manner.




The safety of student is our main concern. Therefore, as a responsible citizen of the school I will abide by this Code of Conduct when riding a school bus. In particular, I will get on and off the bus in a safe manner, ride facing forward, and follow any directions given to me by the bus driver or other adult supervisor.


Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Vapourizers, etc.

I have the right to be in a healthy learning environment free of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and vapourizers.

I have the responsibility not to be in possession of, under the influence of, or involved in providing to others: alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and vapourizers at any time at school or during any school function.




For our own protection and the protection of others, the law forbids the use or possession of these substances by students. Therefore, I will not be in possession of, under the influence of, or involved in providing to others alcohol, drugs, tobacco, e-cigarettes or vapourizers. I understand that forbidden items include, but are not limited to alcohol, illicit drugs as defined under the Criminal Code of Canada, unauthorized prescription drugs, and other chemical substances which impair a person’s judgement and ability to participate appropriately in the learning environment established by the school.


Weapons (including replicas), Violence, or Intimidation

I have the right to be in a learning environment that is free from weapons, violence (acts or threats of), bullying, cyberbullying, or intimidation.

I have the responsibility to not be in possession of any weapons (including replicas), fireworks, or any other illegal items nor be involved in violence (acts or threats of), bullying, cyberbullying, or intimidation. I have a responsibility to report to school staff if I believe there is a weapon in the school.




Weapons, violence (acts or threats of), bullying, cyberbullying and intimidation will not be tolerated at school. Therefore, I will refrain from any involvement with weapons, fireworks, or any other illegal items, and I will not be involved in any acts of violence, threats, or intimidation. I will report violence, weapons, intimidation, or threats to individuals’ safety immediately to school staff.



# 3. Respectful Environment

A respectful learning environment is created when the school is orderly, and members of the school community are informed about and exercise their rights and responsibilities as school citizens. Expectations about acceptable behaviour, respect and decorum are generally understood. Responses to violations are based consistently on sound principles and are appropriate to the context.



I have the right to attend school without excessive disruptions.

I have the responsibility to attend all my classes and be punctual.




Success comes through respect, responsibility, honesty, trust, and fairness. The most basic level of student responsibility is attending school. Therefore, I will be present and on time to the best of my ability, and I will bring in a note from my parent/guardian if I have been sick at home. I will also sign in or out if I am late to school or leaving early.


Dress Code

It is expected that all Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt students come to school and school-related functions dressed appropriately at all times. All dress code items are applied equally to students regardless of gender identity. Our policy aims to create a safe and respectful atmosphere for staff and students. 


Clothing should be suitable for a school learning environment. Clothing and footwear should be comfortable and appropriate for students to participate safely in all school activities including physical education, science, cooking, and shops. Clothing should demonstrate a respect for the school community and the B.C. Human Rights Code. For example, articles of clothing that promote direct or indirect messages or graphics referring to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, vaping, gang culture, sex, weapons, violence, or profanity will not be permitted. Clothing may not encourage sexism, racism, homophobia, or discrimination regarding race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Clothing fabric must cover private parts, and not be transparent in those areas. All clothing must not obstruct the ability to identify students. Hats may be worn inside the building in common areas. In classroom settings it is based on teacher discretion (teacher’s choice).


Personal Electronic Devices – Middle School Students

All School District No. 33 (Chilliwack) Middle Schools aspire to have a positive and productive environment with a focus on academic achievement and appropriate socialization. During instructional time, Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt is a cell phone free zone.


  • Students are expected to hand in their mobile devices to their classroom teacher at the start of the school day and they will be returned at dismissal time.
  • Teachers may permit students to use mobile devices during instructional time for educational purposes.
  • During break and lunch, students are encouraged to be active and socialize with their peers; students are not permitted to use their electronic devices at these times.
  • Please do not text/call your child while they are in class. If you need to contact your child during instructional time, please call our office.
  • For privacy consideration, the taking of pictures, videos, or recordings at school is strictly prohibited.
  • Headphones/ear buds must not be worn or visible during instructional time unless the teacher has allowed them. These are not to be worn during assemblies, at break, or at lunch.


Unauthorized use of electronic devices will result in the device being turned in to the teacher and returned to the student after class or at the end of the day.


For repeated offences, the device(s) will be given to the office who may return the device(s) to the student and/or contact the parents if the issue persists. Students may then be asked to turn their cell phone into the office each morning and pick it up at the end of the day or leave it at home. 


Personal Electronic Devices – Elementary School Students

If students bring electronic devices to school, they are the sole responsibility of the student. All electronic devices must be stored in the student backpacks until the end of the school day. Students may use their cell phones at the end of the day. If you need to contact your student during instructional time, please all the school office.


Student Movement and Designated Areas

I have the right to attend an orderly and safe school.

I have the responsibility to demonstrate orderly and safe conduct.




Students should be able to enjoy a peaceful and orderly environment. Therefore, I will walk in the hallways, be respectful of people’s personal space, and be in the areas that are designed for my grade at any given time during the school day.


Interventions and Consequences

Regardless of the nature or location of the misconduct, or the staff member involved, the following is a range of interventions and consequences that will be used at Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt Elementary / Middle School:


  1. On-the-spot conference or redirection.
  2. Follow-up meeting between the student(s) and staff member(s).
  3. Contact with parent or guardian.
  4. Restitution, including a logical remedy for the problem (e.g., paying for damage willfully caused) and supporting anyone who is a victim or who suffers as a result of the student’s actions.
  5. Supportive intervention and/or service to school.
  6. Additional time for the student with the teacher or office (detention).
  7. Mediation or restorative practice.
  8. Referral to counselling, administration, and/or community support services.
  9. Serious or repeated indiscretions are reported directly to the vice-principal or principal.


Administration response may include steps 1-7 above, but response to serious or repeated indiscretions will be consistent with school and district policy. Where students refuse to cooperate with staff directions and school expectations, as repeat offenders or through single incidents, parents will be involved, and a suspension may result. As well, suspensions will be strongly considered and parents and police will be involved where chargeable offences occur (fighting, threatening, assault, willful damage, possession or use of weapons, theft, tampering with fire alarms, possession or influence of drugs or alcohol). We understand there will be some context or circumstances where policy will need to be flexible to accommodate and ensure equity for our diverse student population.


Sequence of Consequences

Consequences will be applied in a fair and consistent manner, with consideration given to individual rights, responsibilities, age, maturing and individual needs of the student. Frequency and severity of the behaviour will also influence the school’s response. Whenever possible, consequences will be preventative and restorative rather than punitive in nature. The range of responses is not necessarily sequential. This means that the point at which an intervention beings will vary with the severity of the incident, and that not all steps are necessary in all situations. For example, a teacher may simply confer with a student or may refer the matter to counselling or administration. Some issues, such as classroom misbehaviour, may result in sequential elevation up the scale, depending on the student’s response to teacher intervention. On the other hand, major infractions such as fighting, involvement with alcohol, etc. may be elevated directly to step 9.


Extra-Curricular Activities

Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt has many opportunities for students to be involved. There are activities offered at lunch and after school. Students can find out about these opportunities by listening to daily announcements, checking the school website and/or the school newsletter. Participation in school life will make the student’s time at Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt much more exciting and rewarding.



What does a Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt Leadership student do? Stitó:s Leadership students assist in the growth of school spirit, the development and organization of student activies and the encouragement of positive citizen and service.


Student Services

Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt Elementary / Middle School have staff that students can talk to in times of need. If students require support, they can speak to a teacher, the school counsellor, the school youth care worker, the administration staff, or any trusted adult in the building. There are many ways to access support and get some assistance with a concern.